Monday, March 17, 2014

A Helping Hand

I am constantly looking for ways to help myself and other educators in the classroom. Specifically, I strive to find relevant Lutheran tools to use in my classroom. Finding good resources tied to the Lutheran faith is often difficult. However, when you find those diamonds in the rough you just gotta share! Here are some little helpful places/sites that I have visited to enhance my classroom and my faith. 

1. This site is an online dictionary that has a LCMS/Christian limit. It is great for online researching for students in the Lutheran setting.

2. This inspirational site is a great source for uplifting material. Videos, articles, and many other resources that are faith based can be found on this site. Teachers could use this in their classroom as a source of technology based learning in a religion class or during any instructional time. 

Can you find/think of any other faith/inspirational site?

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